Monday, July 9, 2012

Fly with you! (Fairy speak for hello or nice to meet you) My name's Meija, but that's a bit too difficult, so the internet knows me as Mimi. I'm a little new to this whole blogging thing. I guess I should start out with a bit about myself and my blog, huh? Well, here goes!

I got the blog idea from my mom, Ami. Though most know her better as the Disney Goddess. Being her daughter, I have been raised on Disney. But I've never really been the typical Disney girl. I've never been all that into the princesses. But I've always loved the other sides of disney, Pirates, Nightmare Before Christmas, Alice in Wonderland, and above all, the Fairies. Tinkerbell and her friends will forever be special to me. Their world and everything about them fascinates me. The fairies will take up a lot of what I do on this blog. But in general, I'll really focus a lot on the not-so-princessy side of Disney, twist things up a little bit and look at it from a different angle. My blog will include articles, music, and photography. I'd love to do a little cosplay photography as well if I have the chance! Hope you like it!

~ Mimi ^-^

P.S. Just in case you're wondering, there is in fact a difference between 'Fairy' and 'Faery.' 'Fairy' refers to the little winged creatures like Tinkerbell and her friends. 'Faerie' refers to the entire subject of mythical and legendary creatures and their lore, such as goblins, trolls, pixies, nymphs, sprites, and many many more. I will definitely write some about that as well. Fly again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Very excited to learn the "other side" of Disney from you!
